
A play on the words stadt (german for city) and heidschnucken (an ancient sheep breed) bestows the title to a project that brings sheep into the city.

It is unusual, yes, but nevertheless quite possible to keep sheep in the city as is already demonstrated by several exciting urban farming projects.

But, doesn't it require much more knowledge and experience than the ubiquitous kitchen herb garden on the balcony? Yes, and hence there is the stadtschnuggen project: it gathers and shares respective knowledge.

Knowledge alone doesn't answer the purpose. We also need networking and the will to work in a group for making a dream become true. We need a dream, curiousness and patient stamina. Last but not least, urban folk may also form ties far into the rural area. Living in the city and still keeping sheep? Of course, the first and easiest step to bring sheep into the city is to foster some at a friend's farm in the country side.